Survey Design
Survey Design: The Art of the Ask
NAXION is known for the rigor and craft needed to ensure that surveys measure what they’re meant to. Adept, authoritative design explains our credibility in courtrooms and regulatory settings — and equally, it allows us to deliver reliable diagnostic and predictive insight for marketers making important decisions. With senior practitioners who write, teach, and testify on methodology, our clients have access to an exceptional level of survey expertise not typically available in consulting firms, or even most research agencies. Those expert viewpoints inform how, and how confidently, data can guide clients to action, for example:
- Implications of scale construction
- Alignment of choice tasks with market decisions
- Consequences of survey burden
- The impact of the “survey environment” on responses
- Cross-cultural measurement comparisons
- Techniques to maximize the yield from pretests
- CATHEXIS Specialized Emotion Measurement techniques
Survey Data Collection
Flexibility and QC: Across Industries and Around the Globe
An effective research process must be both agile and painstaking. Through a network of carefully vetted partners, NAXION is fully resourced to execute every type of survey using all data collection methods: web (including all mobile devices), phone, phone to web, central location intercepts, and communities. We also build custom panels for B2B markets that allow for cost-effective market access to specialized, high-level business customers around the globe. Our reach is worldwide, our oversight painstaking. Exacting quality control has earned us ISO certification, making us one of the first U.S.-based firms in our industry to have that distinction.
- Although we outsource survey data collection, we maintain a top-notch internal operations team. Close operational oversight helps us produce data able to withstand the scrutiny of courts, as well as business clients who need to make high-stakes decisions.
- Our own on-site programmers are available to make real-time adjustments based on pretest feedback, allowing us to quickly test the effects of survey design changes, sometimes within minutes, often within the hour. That level of integration and responsiveness is quite literally unique in the industry.
- Consistent with our commitment to the highest level of data quality, every survey is master-tested and then subjected to automated data-batch testing to all but eliminate risk of error.