Models That Power Real-World Decisions
At NAXION, we have a clear point of view about modeling: It needs to help organizations see meaningful patterns and relationships in the real world more clearly, and help them make business decisions more confidently. Not every model delivers that kind of outcome. The enormity of ever-bigger data sets and the growing power of advanced computing techniques make it ever easier to find patterns — but sometimes harder to feel confident that they matter.
Building on years of methodological leadership, NAXION has developed a broad suite of advanced modeling and analytic techniques to help clients understand and predict the dynamics of their market ecosystem. Our models help our clients quantify customer decision drivers, prioritize investment decisions, anticipate the impact of critical business decisions, design and target offerings, and manage customer relationships. Here’s what allows us to build business models that truly matter.
Resources and Skill Sets
- World-class modelers and software developers able to work with databases of all types and sizes, and customize modeling techniques for virtually any type of purchase decision
- Experience in business application that guides appropriate analytic design and market-relevant interpretation
- An R&D commitment that has put us ahead of the curve in evaluating, adapting, and applying innovations in computing science
- State-of-the-art, high performance computing infrastructure for analyzing and scoring large customer databases
- Customized desktop software solutions to give clients hands-on flexibility in implementation
Modeling Service Applications
Each of our modeling service applications is built on “state-of-the-art” analytic principles guided by sector experience and high standards of business relevance:
- Forecasting and Pricing - Our Farsight® Forecasting service suite provides volumetric forecasts of uptake and revenue under configurable market scenarios to help our clients calculate investment ROI and optimize offerings and pricing strategies
- Choice Models - Our suite of advanced choice models are customized to fit a variety of markets and market scenarios, accommodating varying types of decisions and competitive sets for market-relevant outputs.
- Driver Analysis - From basic regression to new advances in Propensity Analysis, our approach to the challenge of driver analysis aims to understand true causality propelling customer behavior, brand commitment and other business outcomes, in order to guide evidence-based, results-oriented decisions.
- Customer Satisfaction Modeling - Our customer satisfaction models are designed to anticipate the impact of specific actions — not just on satisfaction, but also on customer value, commitment and advocacy — to guide our clients in the development of strategic interventions and account management plans that yield the greatest ROI.
- Parsion Dynamic KPI Analysis – This deft tool with easy interface is designed to measure and monitor how each market segment contributes to changes in key metrics, and to predict how changes in segment size and performance assessments will influence KPI metrics as well as actual business outcomes.
- Segmentation Modeling - We employ a full portfolio of techniques ranging from traditional factor/cluster approaches to more innovative scalar/vector models to align the segmentation approach with specific markets and business challenges. Where customer targeting is critical for successful implementation, our Hypredictive® tool can be used to create segmentation frameworks based on pre-specified standards of classification accuracy and differentiation.
- Text Analytics - In keeping with a culture of customization, our approach to text analytics goes well beyond off-the-shelf approaches to ensure that clients wring value, not just order, from the “chaos” of web chatter.
- Database Scoring - Using link models and typing tools, we support targeting efforts based on predictive modeling or segmentation frameworks. Dynamic models applied via desktop software can enable clients to regroup or reprioritize customers for different initiatives or enterprise divisions.